Have you ever wondered why ED drugs and male enhancement supplements are so popular and widely discussed? These products have surged in popularity, offering hope and solutions to millions of men worldwide facing sexual health challenges. With a societal push towards improving personal well-being and breaking down stigmas around sexual health, it’s no surprise that the market for these solutions has expanded. But before we get into the reasons behind the growing interest and reliance on these products, explore their benefits, the science behind them, and the impact they have on men’s health, let’s first address the elephant in the room, ED (Erectile Dysfunction).
The impact of erectile dysfunction extends beyond its physical manifestations, affecting various aspects of life beyond the body. In essence, erectile dysfunction is little more than a very specific blood flow issue caused by an enzyme – the PDE5, jumping into action too soon. It does not even qualify as a disease as ED is usually a symptom of some greater medical issues like cardiovascular problems, high blood pressure, or even simply stress. Whatever the cause, the onset of ED is a constant source of worry. We are not talking about occasional instances of failing to perform in bed but a frequent disability to achieve or maintain an erection. That is an issue, and it comes with quite a lot of psychological damage.
First, let’s get the biology bits out of the way. How does an erection occur, and what exactly has to happen for it to fail? When the brain is sexually stimulated, it sends a signal out, which increases nitric oxide levels in the blood. This instructs the penis to release a chemical cGMP (cyclic guanosine monophosphate) which further tells the muscle cells in the penis to relax, allowing blood to rush in. This results in an erection. Usually, the state lasts till the completion of sexual intercourse or an orgasm is achieved. At this point, the PDE5 enzyme kicks in, reversing the blood flow by breaking down the cGMP protein. This marks an end to the erection. When you suffer from erectile dysfunction, the PDE5 enzyme kicks in too soon. The penis cannot hold the blood inside it, causing erectile failure. That was physiology, but what does ED do to your psyche?
Humiliation, fear, and anxiety are only to be expected when erectile dysfunction makes its appearance. However, this emotional response is only the first tier to a myriad of feelings that the condition brings on. A one-off failure would usually induce shame, but with repetition, the shame becomes a lot more solid, and then it starts to dig deep. In addition to a feeling of inadequacy, there is also the concern of ‘letting down’ one’s partner. Since sex is an integral part of a romantic relationship, the inability to perform starts to reflect an inability to live up to one’s partner’s expectations. This, in turn, would eat into self-worth, self-esteem, and self-confidence. Men who suffer from ED often claim that the condition has managed to destroy their sense of masculinity and had them feeling ‘lesser than’ other men. This further destroys romantic alliances.
Another facet of the psychological trauma is the effects on the partner. When one fails to perform, the partner usually feels like they are not attractive or desirable enough to arouse interest. While the intellectual and emotional connection may be strong, the act of physically manifesting these feelings is what sets most relationships in concrete. When the act is not as fulfilling, the partner feels either a need to do more (which does not help) or simply bail the relationship altogether.
With such physical and psychological repercussions, erectile dysfunction should not and cannot be taken lightly.
Hence, the medical drugs that have been devised to improve the condition. However, more men are looking towards natural remedies and there is still the question of whether natural supplements actually do what they claim.
There is only one way to find out, and that is by comparing ED drugs (Viagra, Cialis, and Levitra) with natural alternatives like VigRX Plus.

Viagra, Cialis & Levitra vs VigRX Plus
There is a reason the three prescription drugs; Viagra, Cialis, and Levitra are clubbed together. This is because, apart from a few differences in application, all three drugs work the same for ED. Pitting them against a natural solution such as VigRX Plus is the only method to decisively determine your desired course of action. But first, a brief explanation.
What is Viagra?

Viagra was the original savior. Also known as the ‘miracle blue pill’, Viagra is a brand name for the generic drug Sildenafil citrate. The drug belongs to a class of drugs known as PDE5 inhibitors. Viagra works to keep the PDE5 enzyme in check, stopping it from destroying the cGMP protein too soon, allowing you to achieve and maintain an erection for the duration of sexual intercourse.
The drugs can only be used once in 24 hours, and its effects last for up to 6 hours. Ideally, it should be taken an hour before the actual sexual act and works only if there is sexual stimulation present. It has no effect on fertility, semen volume, sperm quality, or motility and cannot stop the transmission of sexually transmitted diseases. Also, it cannot deter pregnancy, make you last longer than you already can, or improve sexual performance or stamina.
Taking Viagra after an especially high-fat meal could slow down the drug from taking effect. Viagra can be obtained only if you have a valid prescription from a licensed doctor. You should never share your Viagra with another or take the drug if it is not prescribed to you.
What is Cialis?

Cialis is another prescription drug and a brand. The active ingredient here is Tadalafil. In addition to erectile dysfunction, Cialis is also used to remedy symptoms of benign prostate hyperplasia or BPH and pulmonary arterial hypertension of PAH. Cialis is also a PDE5 inhibitor and works to relax the muscles of the blood vessels in the male organ, allowing the blood to flow into it, enabling an erection.
Cialis comes in two forms – a low-dose pill that you can take every day once a day or an ‘as needed’ pill that can be taken only when required. It can only be taken once a day. The drug only works in the presence of sexual stimulation. Like Viagra, erectile dysfunction is the only aspect of sexual health that Cialis addresses. It cannot prevent pregnancy or stop sexually transmitted diseases.
Last but not least, it is also a highly regulated drug and cannot be had without a doctor’s prescription. It is also not recommended to increase or decrease the advised dosage or share the drug with others.
What is Levitra?

Levitra is yet another ED drug with the active ingredient being Vardenafil Hydrochloride, and it works to increase blood flow to the penis to help the achievement and maintenance of an erection. Like Viagra, Levitra is used exclusively to treat erectile dysfunction in men as it is also a PDE5 inhibitor.
It has been established that the drug should be taken 25 to 60 minutes prior to sexual intercourse, and the contents of your last meal have no effects on the drug. Think of Levitra as a refined form of Viagra. This drug, too, like Cialis, is available in two forms: a disintegrating tablet or a pill that must be swallowed with water. The drug should be taken only once in 24 hours and the strength of the drug is determined by your doctor. Vardenafil does not affect sexual drive, performance, stamina, or fertility. It cannot influence pregnancy or the spread of STDs. Levitra can be bought only if you have a doctor’s prescription.
Viagra, Cialis, and Levitra are all brand names that cost quite a pretty penny. If you wish, it is possible to purchase the generic versions, you only need to request the same from your doctor. The generic version of each drug is also sometimes covered by insurance, so you may be able to save that way, too. You need a prescription for the generic versions, too.
The three drugs come with a laundry list of conditions, some of which are rather difficult to meet. In most cases, ED settles in with age as testosterone levels decline. With age also come other complications like that of the cardiovascular system, diabetes, high blood pressure, and cholesterol. If you wish to use any of the above-mentioned pills, you should be free of such medical issues.
Viagra, Cialis, and Levitra can dangerously lower blood pressure, which could have unpleasant repercussions. There is also a very real risk of drug interactions. ED drugs often cannot be taken with certain drugs like alpha-blockers or nitrates. The same could be true for any natural or vitamin supplements you may be taking. When consulting your doctor, ensure that you mention all other medications that you are currently taking, have recently taken, and medical conditions that you have faced in the past. This plays an important role in determining the strength of the medicine that is prescribed to you.
Nonetheless, utilizing natural supplements simplifies matters considerably. Therefore, our attention turns to VigRX Plus, a leading product in the market for male enhancement and a natural remedy for erectile dysfunction.
What is VigRX Plus?

While ED medications work on artificially enhancing the way an erection is achieved VigRX Plus takes a slightly varied approach; instead of offering temporary relief, VigRX Plus uses a combination of natural ingredients that can enhance male sexual health as a whole. This natural pill was designed to help your erections last longer, feel better, increase your libido, and reduce premature ejaculation, all with the daily use of the supplement.
Instead of only focusing on ED, VigRX Plus pays attention to the factors that cause a decline in male sexual health, like aging, declining hormone levels, stress, free radical damage to the reproductive organ, or loss of stamina. By providing support for all underlying issues, VigRX is able to enhance all facets of male sexuality, including erectile dysfunction.
Unlike ED medications that have to be taken a few hours before the act, VigRX Plus should be taken every day, and the cumulative health benefits would be visible in no time at all. Some users have even mentioned that the effects of the pill kicked in in a matter of days.
VigRX Plus is not a prescription drug and does not need FDA approval to buy and use regularly. Therefore, a doctor’s prescription is not needed to purchase the product.
How to use VigRX Plus?
Consume a pill of VigRX Plus two times daily, and a single package will provide a month’s supply.
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Benefits & Side Effects of These ED Remedies
The solutions provided here can address issues with erectile function, though they also bring along some drawbacks, well, at least for prescription drugs. If you look up any FDA-approved drugs, you will also find a list of the most common side effects after use. For Viagra, Cialis, and Levitra, the side effects can be further complicated by the presence of other health conditions.
Here is a brief look at the possible benefits and side effects of the four remedies.
Viagra | Cialis | Levitra | VigRX Plus | |
Benefits |
Most Common Side Effects |
In addition to these adverse effects of the oral medications used for ED, the condition could be further worsened by the use of recreational drugs and/or other medications. It is, therefore, wise to disclose all facets of your medical history prior to use. Also, making some lifestyle changes like healthy eating, exercise, and giving up smoking could help with improving overall health conditions.
How Do These Oral Medications Work?
For this bit, the three prescription pills, namely Viagra, Cialis & Levitra, would be clubbed together, as mentioned earlier, as the working of the three drugs are similar. To understand how the drugs work, it is important to understand how one gets an erection.
When a person gets sexually excited, their brain sends a signal to their body. This signal increases a special gas called nitric oxide in their body. This gas makes the blood vessels in the penis get bigger, allowing more blood to flow in and stay there, which helps the penis become erect during sexual activity.
After the activity is over, a specific enzyme called PDE5 helps the blood leave the penis, making it soft and flaccid again. Sometimes, if the PDE5 enzyme acts too quickly, it can cause erectile dysfunction, which means having trouble keeping an erection.
Certain medications, such as Viagra, Cialis, and Levitra, help by blocking the PDE5 enzyme for a while. This lets the person keep an erection longer. Even though these drugs don’t change the complicated body chemistry, but help manage this specific issue.
What you must understand, though, is that these drugs influence the erection only. ED drugs cannot address the underlying causes of erectile dysfunction or help alleviate the issue with regular use. The drugs act like a Band-Aid remedy. If you are looking for a cure, you are expected to get tests done to identify the cause and would probably be prescribed more drugs. However, a survey states that most men would not bother getting tests done as the ED pills get the job done. This may be dangerous as the underlying issues may deteriorate with time.
But that is never the case with natural remedies. VigRX Plus works as a long-term remedy for ED and enhances male sexual health from all angles. How? Instead of artificially altering the way your body works, the VigRX Plus formula is designed to address the most common causes of ED or male sexual health issues. By providing antioxidation, anti-inflammatory, and nutrition support, this natural male enhancement pill can eradicate the problem from the very root.
Now, natural remedies are infamous and are often rejected as snake oil concoctions that do not work. That is not the case here. In a survey conducted on 75 men who used the VigRX Plus pills over 84 days
- 58.07% reported an increased ability to penetrate
- 47% claimed an increase in sex drive and libido
- 62.82% claimed that they were able to achieve and maintain an erection
- 71.43% reported improved sexual satisfaction and
- 22.49% said that the quality and frequency of orgasm were enhanced.

If you wish to read more about the peer-reviewed studies conducted on VigRX Plus, Visit the Official VigRX Plus Website, where you can also place your order and take advantage of the Saving Offers. These results are possible because of the unique combination of ingredients, which are as follows.
Damiana is an herb found to grow naturally in hot Caribbean climates. Damiana is believed to have been used by the Mayans and ever since as an aphrodisiac. The herb can also improve bladder health, increase oxygen supply, and improve nerve responses in the penis.
Epimedium Leaf Extract is rich in flavonoids, which are strong antioxidants, and Phytoestrogens, which help to balance hormones in the male body. Also known as Horny Goat weed, this herb supports NO transportation and also enhances testosterone production.
Asian Red Ginseng is a traditional Asian medicine that is known for both its nootropic and sexual benefits. Ginseng is often used to remedy sexual issues and fertility issues that plague both men and women and is even steeped as a tea to reduce stress symptoms.
Muira Puama Bark Extract is a South American traditional medication that has helped men remedy erectile dysfunction issues for centuries. The root is said to also improve sex drive, libido, and sexual performance as a whole.
Hawthorn Berry can support blood vessel health, which directly influences cardiovascular health, improves cholesterol profiles, and even strengthens the heart. In addition to this, the berries are also excellent antioxidants and stimulate blood flow.
Catuaba Bark Extract is, again, from South America and is known to help enhance sexual interest and appetite. The herb can also reduce fatigue, facilitate sleep, and provide stress relief.
Saw Palmetto is believed to have a positive influence on the hormones in the body. It has been shown to help with hair loss, weight gain, metabolic rate, and sexual health. Even though the actual workings of the palm are a mystery, Saw Palmetto is known to clear the testosterone pathways, making it easier for the body to react to it.
Gingko Biloba from China is an herb that is known to have many beneficial properties. It increases nerve response, enhances blood flow, provides antioxidation, and helps with brain fog. It is also known to improve sexual function and performance.
Bioperine is extracted from the pepper fruit and has several health benefits like facilitating fat loss and increasing the metabolic rate to provide energy. In addition to that, Bioperine has the quality of increasing the bioavailability of the supplement it is added to. This allows the body to put the supplement to complete use.
Even though VigRX Plus has been through vigorous trials for efficacy and safety, there is always a chance of allergies or drug interactions. So, before you decide to start the use of this or any other natural supplement, it would be wise to speak to your doctor. This is particularly important if you suffer from a pre-existing medical condition and/or are taking medications. VigRX Plus is not meant for use by women.

How and Where Do You Get These Medications?
Viagra, Cialis and Levitra can be bought only with a valid prescription from a licensed physician. You can either use the brand or the generic names. The generic version usually costs a lot less. Once you have a prescription in hand, you can purchase the pills from your local drug store or online. The costs are as follows.
Brand | Cost | Quantity | Generic Version | Cost | Quantity |
Viagra | $555 | 4 doses | Sildenafil | $16 | 4 doses |
Cialis | $384 | 30 tablets | Tadalafil | $30 & upwards | 30 tablets |
Levitra | $633 | 10 tablets | Vardenafil | $390 to $450 | 10 tablets |
For VigRX Plus, the purchase is not complicated at all, just visit the VigRX Plus Official Website.
- Here, you can purchase the supplement sans prescription at $69.00 for a month’s supply.
- You save more when you buy more. For $177.00, you get three bottles of VigRX Plus and
- 6 bottles of the product for $294.00 only.
With the latter two purchases, you also get a free bottle of VigRX Plus N.O. Support and access to a free e-book.
Free shipping is available within the USA. If you are unhappy with the results, you are covered by a 67-day money-back guarantee. For that, all you need to do is contact customer service, and they will process a refund for you.
Which Is the Better Remedy for Erectile Dysfunction?
To be honest, a comparison between FDA-approved medications such as Viagra, Cialis, and Levitra and natural supplements like VigRX Plus is unfair. There is more than a slight difference between them. While medicines are designed to provide immediate relief, in a matter of speaking, natural supplements play a long game, working slowly to correct the imbalances in the body.
However, if you suffer from ED, the stakes are different. Considering that sexual performance plays a vital role in maintaining self-esteem and harmony in the bedroom, most men are looking for something that works effectively and immediately. With that facet alone, Viagra, Cialis, and Levitra have the upper hand.
The ED drugs may work instantaneously, but the price you pay for them is a lot greater than the dollar value. Take a closer look at the side effects. Some of them can be handled and suffered through, but the dire ones like heart palpitations, dizziness, or priapism simply cannot be overlooked. The cost and side effects of ED Drugs aside, there is also a chance that you may not even be able to use them because of a prior surgery or health conditions in the past. You cannot take ED drugs alongside nitrates, alpha-blockers, and, for some reason, grapefruit. The use of these drugs would put quite a few restrictions on your life, and you would be forced to wonder if an erection is worth all that trouble.
The natural supplement is easier. With a daily dose of two VigRX Plus pills a day, you would be able to effectively deal with erectile dysfunction plus the underlying causes of it. The ingredients used are such that they:
- Prevent harm caused by free radicals to the male reproductive system
- Support anti-inflammation
- Provide ample nutrition
- Increase blood flow and
- Enhance the action of nitric oxide.
All this with just 2 pills a day. Yes, they take time to work. Unlike the medical pills, VigRX Plus will not provide you with the ability to achieve an erection in an hour, but it can eliminate the reason for dysfunction from the very root.
Another major difference between the two is that you can use drugs only if you have a diagnosed issue. VigRX Plus can be used even if you simply wish to enhance your performance in the bedroom. Hence, it is completely possible to use the natural remedy without having to start with a problem.

To give you a clearer idea of the differences, here is a side-by-side comparison of them.
Viagra | Cialis | Levitra | VigRX Plus | |
Purpose | Formulated for the achievement and maintenance of an erection. | Formulated for the achievement and maintenance of an erection and also to remedy symptoms of BPH and PAH. | Formulated for the achievement and maintenance of an erection. | Designed to alleviate all male sexual health issues, including erectile dysfunction. |
Pros |
| ||
Cons |
| ||
FDA Approval | Yes | Yes | Yes | No |
Audience | Men, you have been diagnosed with erectile dysfunction. | All men over the age of 18. | ||
Dosage | As directed by a physician. | One pill twice a day. | ||
Price | $555 for 4 doses | $384 for 30 tablets | $633 for 10 tablets | $69.00 for 1 Months Supply. |
Refund | Depends on venue of purchase | 67-day money-back guarantee. |
Summary & Verdict: What Pills are Good for a Hard On?
Erectile dysfunction can manifest at any time in a man’s life, and whenever it comes, it spells disaster. Usually a result of age, stress, and/or declining testosterone levels, ED can be remedied by either using prescription medication like Viagra, Cialis, or Levitra or by using natural remedies like VigRX Plus.
While the FDA drugs do have their advantages, the side effects and price tags are enough to put one off. While the natural supplement, VigRX Plus, may take time to manifest results, it takes care of ED, low libido, premature ejaculation, and low sexual energy. The supplement uses only natural ingredients, which means there are no side effects to worry about, and it is also priced sensibly. It’s worth considering VigRX Plus as a potential alternative before immediately opting for ED medications.
Where Great Value Meets Great Results, click here to visit the VigRX Plus Official Site!